Advancing the power of art to educate and inspire people to action

Danny Widener
Board President
Danny Widener teaches Modern American history at the University of California at San Diego with a focus on expressive culture and political radicalism. He began his educational career at the Echo Park-Silverlake Peoples’ Childcare Center before studying at Berkeley and New York University. He wrote Black Arts West: culture and struggle in postwar Los Angeles, and is the co-editor of Another University is Possible. He is currently completing a book entitled Third Worlds Within: black radicalism and interethnic solidarity in 20th Century America. He supports Tottenham Hotspur.

Sherry Frumkin
Board Treasurer
Sherry Frumkin has served as Director of Santa Monica Art Studios, a project of artist studios, exhibition and lecture space in a 22,000 square foot hangar at the Santa Monica Airport since its inception in 2004. For more than twenty years she presented artists in her own gallery (1990-2010) in over 200 curated exhibitions. As a graduate student at San Diego State University, she was part of a group of women who succeeded in forming the first Women’s Studies Program.

Sheila Pinkel
Board Secretary
Sheila Pinkel is an emerita professor of art at Pomona College where she taught from 1986 – 2011. She is also an international editor of Leonardo, the publication dedicated to the intersection of art, science and technology. In her artistic practice she tries to make visible the invisible in nature and in culture. Her artwork has focused on social issues including the growth of the military industrial complex, the prison system, and labor issues. Her art work has been exhibited nationally and internationally.

Roger Lowenstein
Roger Lowenstein is a recovering lawyer who founded a social justice-themed charter school in Lincoln Heights. His fascination with political graphics derives not only from a lifetime of political activism, but also his vast collection of protest buttons, one of the most extensive in the United States, whose items often share the design features of CSPG's posters.

Carol A. Wells, M.A.
Founder/Executive Director
Carol A. Wells is an activist, art historian, curator, lecturer, and writer. She has been collecting posters and producing political poster art exhibitions on a variety of human rights themes since 1981. Trained as a medievalist at UCLA, she taught the history of art and architecture for thirteen years at CSU Fullerton until a poster changed her life. In 1988, Carol founded the Center for the Study of Political Graphics. She believes that the power of graphics can combat public apathy.
Scott T. Johnson
Scott T. Johnson is a criminal defense attorney and a civil and international human rights activist. He has taught at law schools in Los Angeles, published articles, and spoken in the U.S. and Europe about the rights of the accused in both domestic and international criminal law contexts. He is a member of bars of New York and California (state and federal courts) as well as various international criminal tribunals including the International Criminal Court as well as the U.S. Department of Defense Military Commissions at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.