Your Taxes Pay for the Destruction of Your National Forests
Mary Macenka; Trojan Litho; Light Hawk
Photographer: Gary Braasch
Offset, 1992
Santa Fe, NM
Last weekend, the Trump administration issued an executive order for the “immediate expansion” of commercial logging on federal lands by selling land managed by the Bureau of Land Management and the US Forest Service. He has ordered 280 million acres to be chopped down, an area nearly three times the size of California. Such a move would demolish ancient forests, endanger or make extinct countless species of animals, and significantly increase wildfires. Their intent is clear: “We are driving a dagger straight into the heart of the climate change religion…”

Protect the Parks
Digital, 2025
Massachusetts, USA
Despite record numbers of visits to US National Parks, the Trump administration fired 1,000 National Park Service employees in February, and also plans to cut the National Park Service payroll by an additional 30%. Park Service employees are responsible for the safety and education of visitors and the preservation of each park’s landscape of life.

Breast Cancer is an Epidemic
Offset, 1991
Text at top of poster: The things that will destroy us are: politics without principle; pleasure without conscience; wealth without work; knowledge without character; business without morality; science without humanity. (Mahatma Gandhi)
The administration’s proposed cuts to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) would strip
hundreds of millions of dollars from research groups currently studying Alzheimer’s, cancer, heart disease, ALS, diabetes, mental health disorders, opioid abuse, and many other illnesses. Last Wednesday, a federal judge blocked the Trump administration from cutting funds to medical research, but the fight is not over.

Save Medicaid Medicare Social Security
Xavier Viramontes; San Francisco Poster Syndicate
Silkscreen, 2018
San Francisco, CA
Trump has said that he will not be cutting Medicaid–which covers a fifth of all Americans–but House Republicans disagree. House Speaker Mike Johnson has claimed that they’re determined to root out an alleged $50 million in alleged fraud. The Congressional Budget Office meanwhile said that Republicans cannot achieve their $2 trillion budget slash unless they cut Medicaid.
In President Trump and Elon Musk’s desperate attempts to “chainsaw” through the US budget, they are cutting through the very programs that support life.
Support Life – Support Science!
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