The Center for the Study of Political Graphics (CSPG) is seeking posters, old or new and from any country, for a new exhibition with the working title, LGBTQ+ Struggles & Celebrations, to premiere in June 2021. We invite artists, activists, and organizations to submit by the deadline of January 15, 2021. Must have been made in a multiple (such as offset, silkscreen, linocut, stencil); no one-of-a-kind objects, please. For posters made digitally, high-resolution files accepted (TIFF, JPEG, or PDF). For more than 50 years, poster art has been central in fighting for LGBTQ+ rights. Whether homophobia is institutionalized through legislation or conducted culturally through physical violence or psychological negativity, it is a human rights violation. LGBTQ+ Struggles & Celebrations will show the power of graphics to expose injustices, defend rights, and celebrate victories. The social and legal advances made by the LGBTQ+ community since 2015 regarding marriage equality and inclusion under the Civil Rights Act may seem dramatic, but they have been hard fought for years. Yet in spite of—or because of—these and other gains, attacks against LGBTQ+ continue in the courts, on the streets, and in private. As people around the country and around the world celebrate how far the movement has come in the 50 years since Stonewall, it is critical that we defend our victories, and continue to fight for more. LGBTQ+ Struggles & Celebrations shows how far the movement has come—and how much more there is to do. All submissions will become part of CSPG's permanent collection and will be accessible to curators, organizers, researchers, students, and the general public. To email digital files, or for more information, please contact: archives@politicalgraphics.org
Please mail posters to:
Center for the Study of Political Graphics
3916 Sepulveda Blvd. Suite 103
Culver City, CA 90230
