No to Marcos
No to Duterte
Digital Print, 2021
As we witness and organize against the dismantling of democracy at home, we cannot forget how much of the world is also fighting against fascism and dictatorships. A nightmare ticket was just elected in the Philippines. Fernando Marcos, Jr. is president-elect. His father, Fernando Marcos, was president of the Philippines from 1965-1986. For most of that time he ruled under martial law. His long dictatorship—during which he stole approximately $10 billion from the Filippino people—was marked by human rights abuses including the torture, mutilation, and murder of 1000s of political opponents. He was overthrown in 1986 when over 1 million protesters took to the streets. Sara Zimmerman Duterte-Carpio, vice-president elect, is the daughter of Rodrigo Duterte, the current murderous dictator who was prevented from running again by term-limits. Rodrigo Duterte was praised by Donald Trump for how he handled the drug wars, during which 1000s of executions were carried out by extrajudicial death squads. And the popular app Tik Tok spread misinformation which helped elect Marcos & Duterte. Once again we see how fragile democracies are. What a ticket! What a world! Poster: Bahaghari is the national democratic organization of the LGBTQ+ community in the Philippines. This statement accompanied their poster: “We in the LGBTQ+ community have not forgotten the crimes of Marcos and Duterte. And we will NOT allow their children to continue their tyrannical reigns!”
Mobilization Efforts to Protect Roe v. Wade: https://www.mobilize.us/womensmarchaction/event/453088/?share_medium=native_share&share_context=event_detail_page&force_banner=true https://riseup4abortionrights.org/ Please collect posters at the women’s marches for CSPG. It helps to bring a staple remover and a large lightweight bag to put the posters in. Sources: https://www.migrante.ca/post/no-to-marcos-duterte-in-2022 https://twitter.com/Bahaghari_PH/status/1459449948001341444 https://www.democracynow.org/2022/5/11/maria_ressa_philippines_ferdinand_marcos_jr https://time.com/6174739/bongbong-marcos-election-philippines/ https://www.businessinsider.com/bongbong-marcos-tiktok-philippines-election-2022-5 https://www.bbc.com/news/av/magazine-35526200 https://www.usnews.com/news/best-countries/slideshows/philippine-president-rodrigo-dutertes-9-most-controversial-quotes